Sharra Rainbolt Memorial Scholarship
A cancer diagnosis can be a life-shattering experience for the entire family.
In addition to the emotional turmoil of battling cancer or watching a loved one struggle with it, funding years of treatments comes at great expense, often leaving little money for financing other large necessities like a college education.
As a result, it can be difficult for students who have been touched by cancer to continue pursuing their academic dreams.
Who can apply?
Any undergraduate or graduate student who has personally had cancer or has an immediate family member battle cancer.
Testimonial from 2024 Scholarship Winner
“Thank you so much! I am incredibly grateful to be awarded this scholarship. It will be tremendously helpful for me and for my family. I’m so close to graduating and this scholarship helps relieve some of the stress surrounding school expenses. I will always appreciate your support, thank you.”
Check back soon for more information on the 2025 application!